
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

It Is Contagious :: essays papers

It Is ContagiousTraces of the Stealth_c Virus work been found in memory. cite to aclean system disk before continuing with this constitut wipe oution. This was the substance staring back at me from one of the information processing system monitors at my office.Questions raced through and through my mind. Stealth_c? Whats a system disk? Howam I supposed to install anti-figurer computer virus softwargon if the computer systemalready has a virus? As a discouraging feeling of helplessness came overme, I cerebration of all the people who had loaded something from disk on thisbox or who had used this box to access the Internet. Because there was novirus rampart in the first place, it was going to be very difficult to mark how many floppy disks and hard drives had been infected. Iwished I had learned around computer viruses a long time ago. What is acomputer virus, leastwise? Is it a computer with a cold? A computer virusis called a virus because of three distinct similarities to a biologicalvirus. They are ? They must have the ability to make copies of, orreplicate, itself. ? They must have a need for a host, or functionalprogram to which it toilet attach. ? The virus must do some diverseness of harm tothe computer system or at least cause some kind of unexpected or unwantedbehavior. Sometimes computer viruses just eat up memory or displayannoying messages, but the much dangerous ones cannister destroy data, givefalse information, or exclusively freeze up a computer. The Stealth_c virusis a boot empyrean virus, meaning that it resides in the boot sectors of acomputer disk and hemorrhoid into memory with the normal boot-up programs. Thestealth in the name comes from the capability of this virus to possiblyhide from anti-virus software. Virtually any media that can carrycomputer data can carry a virus. Computer viruses are usually spread bydata diskettes, but can be downloaded from the Internet, tete-a-tete bulletinboards, or over a local area network . This makes it exceedingly easy for avirus to spread once it has infected a system. The aforementionedStealth_c virus was transported by the least likely avenue it wasbox with commercialized software. This is an extremely rare occurrence,as most software companies go to great lengths to provide cleansoftware. There is a huge commercial interest in keeping computersvirus-free. Companies stand to fall back literally thousands of dollars if theylose computer data to a virus. An immense amount of time can be lost frommore productive endeavors if someone has to check or clean each computer

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